USEARCH manual > options > -orfstyle
The orfstyle and mincodons options control how ORFs are identified by USEARCH. These options are used by the findorfs command and by translated searches.

The value of orfstyle is an integer obtained by adding the numbers from the table below. The default value of orfstyle is 5.

Value   Description
1   Allow an ORF to start at the beginning of the nucleotide sequence (otherwise, must begin with a START codon).
2   Allow an ORF to start immediately following a STOP codon (otherwise, must begin with a START codon). This compensates for read errors that might corrupt a START codon sequence, and allows non-standard START codons.
4   Allow an ORF to end at the end of the nucleotide sequence (otherwise, must be terminated by a STOP codon).
8   Include the STOP codon, if any, in the translated sequence. This is useful in the findorfs command to distinguish ORFs that contain a STOP from those that are terminated by the end of the nucleotide sequence. The STOP codon is represented by an asterisk (*). Do not use for translated searches.