USEARCH manual > options > accept options
accept options
Accept criteria determine whether an alignment is a hit, also called an accept. See also weak hits. Hits are written to the output files. In clustering commands (cluster_fast and cluster_smallmem), accept options determine whether or not a sequence matches a cluster centroid and should be assigned to that cluster.

For global searches and clustering, the ‑id option must be specified. For local searches, the ‑evalue option must be specified and -id is optional. Other accept criteria are always optional.

Accept criteria do not have default values.

If more than one accept option is specified, they are combined with AND, so all of them must be satisfied.

Criteria that do not require an alignment, e.g. ‑idprefix and ‑minqt, are tested before an alignment is computed; these can give significant improvements in speed because a target can be rejected without the overhead of computing an alignment. Most of these are not supported by local search commands (ublast, usearch_local and search_local).

Option Real/
Need aln? Description
evalue r L Y Maximum E-value. Required for most commands that use local alignments.
id r GL Y Minimum identity. Required for most commands that use global alignments.
‑query_cov r GL Y Fraction of the query sequence that is aligned, in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
‑target_cov r GL Y Fraction of the target sequence that is aligned, in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
‑idprefix N G N First N letters are identical.
‑idsuffix N G N Last N letters are identical.
‑minqt r G N Minimum value of query_seq_length / target_seq_length.
‑maxqt r G N Maximum value of query_seq_length / target_seq_length.
‑minsl r G N Minimum value of shorter_seq_length / longer_seq_length.
‑maxsl r G N Maximum value of shorter_seq_length / longer_seq_length.
‑leftjust   G Y No terminal gaps at start of alignment.
‑rightjust   G Y No terminal gaps at end of alignment.
‑self   GL N Reject if labels are identical (i.e., reject self-hits). Requires v.6.0.280 or later.
‑selfid   G N Reject if sequences are identical (i.e., don't want self-hits). Requires v.6.0.280 or later.
‑maxid r GL Y Reject if identity is greater. Example: to select hits that are 97% identical to two significant figures use ‑id 0.965 ‑maxid 0.975. Requires v6.0.284 or later.